mso-number-format: |
example |
"0" |
NO Decimals |
"0\.000" |
3 Decimals |
"\#\,\#\#0\.000" |
Comma with 3 dec |
"mm\/dd\/yy" |
Date7 |
"mmmm\ d\,\ yyyy" |
Date9 |
"m\/d\/yy\ h\:mm\ AM\/PM" |
"Short Date" |
01/03/1998 |
"Medium Date" |
01-mar-98 |
"d\-mmm\-yyyy" |
01-mar-1998 |
"Short Time" |
5:16 |
"Medium Time" |
5:16 am |
"Long Time" |
5:16:21:00 |
"Percent" |
Percent - two decimals |
"0%" |
Percent - no decimals |
"0\.E+00" |
Scientific Notation |
"\@" |
Text |
"\#\ ???\/???" |
Fractions - up to 3 digits (312/943) |
"\0022£\0022\#\,\#\#0\.00" |
£12.76 |
"\#\,\#\#0\.00_ \;\[Red\]\-\#\,\#\#0\.00\" |
2 decimals, negative numbers in red and signed(1.56 -1.56) |
a<BR style="mso-data-placement: same-cell">b |
a b |
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